Writing: Press Release Tips and Tricks from the Pros

Crafting a compelling press release is essential for grabbing the attention of journalists and securing valuable media coverage. A well-written press release can help you effectively communicate your news to your target audience, build brand awareness, and control the narrative around your company's developments. In this comprehensive guide, "Writing: Press Release Tips and Tricks," we'll dive into the key elements of a successful press release and share expert insights to help you master the art of press release writing.

From understanding the inverted pyramid format to following AP style guidelines and avoiding common pitfalls, this press release tips and tricks guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to create press releases that stand out in a crowded media environment. Whether you're announcing a product launch, sharing a company milestone, or highlighting a significant partnership, these tips and tricks will help you write press releases that capture the attention of journalists and generate the media coverage your news deserves.

So, let's get started on your journey to becoming a press release writing pro with these press release tips and tricks.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is an official statement distributed by an organization to share newsworthy information with media outlets and the general public. It is a powerful communication tool for companies, non-profits and public figures to announce important events, updates or changes to their target audience. Press releases are sent to journalists and editors and are designed to generate media coverage, increase brand awareness and control the narrative around significant developments.

Press releases are regarded by both the media and consumers as reliable sources of data and information. According to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, most consumers consider brand trust crucial when making purchasing decisions.

Press releases cover a wide range of types of press releases, including but not limited to:

  • Company Announcement Press Release: Significant organizational changes, such as rebranding, restructuring or executive appointments.

  • Product Launch Press Release: This type of release introduces new products or services to the market and highlights their features, benefits and availability.

  • Mergers and Acquisitions Press Release: Announcing the joining of two or more companies or acquiring one company by another.

  • New Hire Press Release: This release introduces fundamental personnel changes, such as appointing new executives or board members.

  • Milestone Press Release: These press releases announce significant achievements, such as reaching a sales target, expanding into new markets or celebrating a company anniversary.

  • Financial Results Press Release: This type of press release shares quarterly or annual financial reports, including revenue, profits and other key performance indicators.

  • Partnership or Collaboration Press Release: This type of press release announces strategic alliances, joint ventures or collaborations with other organizations.

  • White Papers or Research Findings Press Release: This type of press release shares insights, data or research demonstrating thought leadership or expertise in a particular field.

  • Crisis Management Press Release: This release type addresses public concerns or adverse events, such as product recalls, data breaches or legal issues.

  • Seasonal or Holiday Promotions: These press releases announce special offers, discounts or events tied to specific seasons or holidays.

  • Awards or Recognitions Press Release: This press release type highlights industry accolades, awards or recognition for exceptional performance or contributions.

  • Community Engagement Press Release: These press releases showcase an organization's involvement in local events, charities or social causes.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Press Release: This type of press release communicates an organization's commitment to sustainability, diversity, philanthropy or other socially responsible initiatives.

One of the most important press release tips and tricks is that press releases follow a standard format and are typically written in a journalistic style, with the most important information presented first. They should be attention-grabbing, concise, factual and engaging, providing journalists with the key details they need to develop a story. A well-crafted news release can help organizations build credibility, generate positive media coverage and reach their target audience with their message.

Key Questions to Answer Before Writing a Press Release 

Before crafting a press release, stepping back and answering several key questions is crucial. These questions will help you determine the newsworthiness of your story, identify your target audience and define the purpose of your press release. Consider the following:

  • What am I announcing and is it newsworthy? Take a critical look at the information you want to share and ask yourself if it is truly newsworthy. Your announcement should be timely, relevant and significant to your industry or target audience. Newsworthy items include product launches, major company milestones, strategic partnerships or significant research findings. If your announcement is not genuinely newsworthy, consider alternative channels to share the information, such as a blog post or social media update.

  • Why am I announcing this? Understand the purpose behind your announcement. Is it to generate buzz around a new product or service, establish thought leadership, attract investors or engage with your community? A clear understanding of your objectives will help you write a press release that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your target audience.

  • Who am I writing this for? Identify your target audience and tailor your press release accordingly. Your primary audience will typically be journalists and media outlets that cover your industry or niche. However, it is also essential to consider the end readers, such as potential customers, investors or the general public. Understanding your audience's interests, pain points and preferences will help you create a press release that captures their attention and provides value.

  • What is the press release's goal? Define the specific goals you want to achieve with your press release. These goals may include generating media coverage, driving traffic to your website, increasing brand awareness or establishing your company as an industry leader. Having clear, measurable goals will help you create a focused and effective press release and allow you to track its success.

  • Is a press release the best format for this announcement? While press releases are excellent for sharing newsworthy information, they may only sometimes be the most appropriate format. If your announcement is not genuinely newsworthy or time-sensitive, consider alternative content formats, such as blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters or contributed articles. These formats allow you to share valuable information with your audience without relying on media pickup.

Press Release Tips and Tricks: The Inverted Pyramid Format

By answering these key questions before writing your press release, you can ensure that your announcement is newsworthy, purposeful and tailored to your target audience. This strategic approach will increase the likelihood of your press release being picked up by media outlets and generating the desired impact for your organization.

The inverted pyramid is a writing structure commonly used in journalism and public relations, particularly press releases. In this format, the most important and newsworthy information is presented at the beginning of the article, followed by decreasing levels of importance as the article progresses. This structure is visualized as an upside-down triangle, with the broadest and most crucial information at the top, narrowing down to the finer details and background information at the bottom.

Inverted Pyramid in blue, yellow and red for the blog: Press Release Tips and Tricks

Here's why the inverted pyramid format is used when writing press releases:

  • Captures attention quickly: By placing the most critical information at the beginning, you immediately capture the reader's attention and convey the essence of your news. This is crucial in today's fast-paced media landscape, where journalists and readers often have limited time and attention spans.

  • Prioritizes key information: The inverted pyramid ensures that the most important information, such as the "who," "what," "when," "where," and "why," is addressed upfront. This allows journalists and readers to grasp the significance of your news quickly and determine its relevance to their interests.

  • Facilitates quick decision-making: Journalists receive numerous press releases daily and must quickly decide which stories to pursue. Presenting the most newsworthy information at the beginning enables journalists to evaluate your press release efficiently and determine whether it warrants further investigation or coverage.

  • Accommodates editorial trimming: In space constraints, editors can easily trim the press release from the bottom up without losing the most critical information. Since the inverted pyramid format places the less essential details toward the end, the story's core message remains intact even if the latter portions are cut.

  • Enhances online readership: With the increasing consumption of news online, readers often scan articles rather than read them in their entirety. The inverted pyramid caters to this behavior by delivering the most valuable information first, increasing the likelihood that readers will engage with your content even if they don't read the full press release.

When writing a press release using the inverted pyramid format, start with an attention-grabbing headline that encapsulates the main point of your news. Follow this with a strong lead paragraph that answers the "who," "what," "when," "where," and "why" of your story. Provide supporting details and quotes in the subsequent paragraphs, presented in order of decreasing importance. Be sure to include a quote from a relevant spokesperson to add credibility. Conclude with a press release boilerplate that offers a brief background on your company or organization and includes contact information for the appropriate media contact.

By adhering to the inverted pyramid format, you can create press releases that are concise, informative and engaging. This structure increases the chances of media outlets picking up your news and resonating with your target audience. Following this structure also makes your press release more search engine friendly, as the most important information will appear first.

Press Release Tips and Tricks: Follow AP-Style Guidelines 

When writing a press release, following the Associated Press (AP) style guidelines is essential to ensure consistency and professionalism. These guidelines include:

  • Spacing: Use a single space after a period, not two spaces. 

  • Oxford comma (or the serial comma): Avoid using a comma before the last item in a series. For example, "The event press release will feature music, dancing and food." (Note there is no comma after dancing.)

  • Perspective: Always write from a third-person perspective, using pronouns such as "he," "she," "it" or "they." Avoid using first-person pronouns (I, we) or second-person pronouns (you).

  • Numbers: Spell out numbers between one and nine and use numerals for numbers 10 and above. For example, "The organization hired eight new employees" and "The product launch event attracted 250 attendees."

  • Dates: Use numerals for dates and abbreviate months with more than five letters. For example, "The conference will be held on Dec. 15, 2023."  

  • Headings and Subheadings: Capitalize each main word's first letter for headlines and subheadings.

  • Fonts: For your press release, choose a standard, easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Veranda.  

  • Title: If a person’s title comes before the name, it is capitalized. If the title comes after the name, it is in lowercase. For example, “Pitch PR Founder, Jo Trizila” and “said Jo Trizila, founder, Pitch PR.”

  • Font Size: Use 14 pt for the headline, 13 pt italics for the subheadline and 12 pt for the body text.

Following these AP-style guidelines will help your press release look polished and professional, increasing the likelihood of it being well-received by journalists and media outlets. Using AP style also makes your press release more likely to rank well in search engine results.

Press Release Tips and Tricks: Format and Structure

To create an effective press release, it is crucial to follow a standard press release format that journalists and media outlets are accustomed to. This format includes the following components:  

  • Attention-grabbing Headline: Your headline should be attention-grabbing and summarize the main point of your press release. Keep your headline between 55 and 65 characters for optimal search engine indexing. However, the Associated Press recommends keeping headlines to 40 characters or less. The headline should be written in a 14-point bolded font, capitalizing each word.

  • Sub-headline (optional): If you choose to include a sub-headline, it should be no more than 120 characters and provide additional context or highlight a key aspect of your story. The sub-headline should be written in a 13-point italicized font with each word capitalized.

  • Dateline: Begin your press release with the city and state where the news originates, followed by the date. For example, "FORT WORTH, TEXAS (May 14, 2024)…" Check out this blog to learn about cities that never need a state.

  • Lead Paragraph: The opening paragraph should answer the five Ws: who, what, when, where and why. This paragraph should be concise and engaging, providing the most important information upfront.  

  • Body Paragraphs: Use the body paragraphs to expand upon the information provided in the lead paragraph. Include relevant details, background information and supporting facts. Write in a clear, concise manner, following AP style guidelines.

  • Quotes & Statistics: Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders, such as company executives or industry experts, to add credibility and a human touch to your press release. Use statistics and data to support your claims and emphasize the significance of your news. Always include a quote from a relevant spokesperson.

  • Contact Information: Include the name, landline, cell phone number and email address of the person responsible for handling media inquiries. This allows journalists to reach out for more information or to arrange interviews easily. 

  • Boilerplate: End your press release with a brief description of your company or organization, known as a boilerplate. This should include your company's mission, key products or services and relevant achievements or accolades.

  • Multimedia Links: Enhance your press release by including links to high-quality photos, videos or other multimedia assets that support your story. Ensure these assets are easily accessible and downloadable for journalists.  

  • Relevant Links: Provide links to your company website, social media profiles or other relevant online resources where readers can find more information about your news or organization.

Adhering to this standard press release format can ensure that your news is presented in a professional and easily digestible manner, increasing the likelihood of media pickup and public engagement. Using a proper format also helps your news release rank better in search engine results.

Press Release Tips and Tricks: Elements to Avoid in Press Release Writing

When crafting a press release, it is essential to maintain a professional and objective tone. While there are many press release dos and don'ts, to ensure your press release is well-received by journalists and the public, avoid the following elements:  

  • Hype, Grandiose or Unprovable Claims and Promotional Language: Press releases should be factual and informative, not promotional. Avoid using exaggerated or hyperbolic language, such as "revolutionary," "groundbreaking," or "world-changing," unless you can substantiate these claims with concrete evidence. Focus on presenting the facts and benefits of your news clearly and concisely, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.

  • Industry Jargon: While it may be tempting to use industry-specific terminology to showcase your expertise, it is crucial to remember that your press release should be accessible to a broad audience. Journalists and the general public may not be familiar with technical terms or industry-specific jargon. When necessary, provide clear explanations or definitions for specialized terms to ensure all readers easily understand your message.  

  • Acronyms: Similar to industry jargon, acronyms can be confusing for those outside your industry. When using an acronym for the first time in your press release, always spell it out in full, followed by the acronym in parentheses. For example, "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced today..." After the first mention, you may use the acronym alone. However, if your press release is short or the acronym is not used frequently, consider spelling it out each time for clarity.

  • Excessive Adjectives and Adverbs: While descriptive language can help bring your story to life, overusing adjectives and adverbs can make your press release sound biased or unprofessional. Stick to using adjectives and adverbs sparingly and focus on straightforwardly presenting the facts. Allow the strength of your news to speak for itself rather than relying on embellished language.

  • Opinion and Speculation: Press releases should be based on facts, not opinions or speculation. Avoid making statements that reflect personal views or predictions about future events unless credible sources or data support them. If you include opinions, attribute them to a specific person using direct quotes and ensure they are relevant to the overall message of your press release. 

  • Unattributed Quotes: Every quote in your press release should be attributed to a specific person, along with their title and organization. Unattributed quotes, such as "industry experts say..." or "customers love...", lack credibility and can undermine the trustworthiness of your press release. Always use quotes from identifiable sources that can provide valuable insights or perspectives on your news. 

By avoiding these elements and focusing on delivering clear, factual and newsworthy information, you can create a press release that effectively communicates your message and captures the attention of journalists and the public. Writing a press release that avoids hype and jargon will also make it more likely to be picked up by media outlets and shared on social media.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can craft a compelling press release that effectively communicates your news to journalists and the public. This will increase the likelihood of your story being picked up and shared via news outlets and distribution services. A well-written press release in the proper format that includes quotes, contact information and multimedia links can generate positive media coverage for your product launch, event or other newsworthy announcement.

Leave Your Press Release Writing to the Experts at Pitch PR

Why not leave press release writing to the pros at Pitch PR? Our experienced team of public relations experts knows how to craft compelling, newsworthy press releases along with eye-catching pitches that capture the attention of journalists and know where to send your press release to generate positive media coverage. We understand the intricacies of press release format, AP style guidelines and the elements that make a story stand out. Let us handle the writing, distribution and media outreach so you can focus on running your business. Contact Pitch PR today to learn how we can help you make the most of your news and announcements.


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